Chairman SeKu was born and raised in Denver, Colorado on November 24, 1952 and has always lived a passion for team-building networks within oppressed Pan
African community organizations. Being raised in Denver, he attended K-12 schools within neighborhoods of Curtis Park, Five Points, Clayton, as well as Park-Hill in North East Denver. His higher education began at Manual High after which on a basketball scholarship, he attended Northeastern Jr. College, in Sterling, Colorado. He was awarded a academic scholarship and choose to attend the University of Denver as a Ford Foundation Scholar, and later at Metropolitan State University-Denver, helped Rachel B. Noel establish the Afro-American Studies Department and also attended the University of Colorado-Boulder/Denver Center).
His political organizing began during the late turmoil of the 1960s as a youth of 16 years old when he became interested and was recruited into the Denver Chapter of The Black Panther Party and later became a full time organizer of the aLL~African Student Union Movement. He was elected as President of the Student Government Assembly(SGA) from 2002-03 at Metropolitan State College(University) of Denver(MSU of D), representing a enrolled 25,000+ Students Body.
At DU, he had been trained in organizing tactics by Vice-Chancellor John Rice, the father of former U.S. Secretary of State Condolezza Rice. His education at MSU of Denver “prepared me for what I’m doing now,” as has his community network organizing experience.
After 25 years as a successful small business entrepreneur of Black Starz International Florist and Designer Inc., Chairman Seku` retired from the organization in 2000 and still enjoys doing floral design works-of-art for friends on special occasions.
Today, he still remains active the CEO/Chairman of Board of The BlacK StaRz InTerNaTionaL AcTioNz MoveMent-4-SeLf~DeFenZe, LLc. which is a Advocacy Social-Change Agency representing issues that impact the Disabled & Senior Citizens; Poor and Workin’-2 B-Poor; and Just Got Broke!; the Fore-Closured and Home-Less Populations of Colorado…PeRioD.
Chairman SeKu` political ShipBuiLderZ PlatForm is to focus on Systems of Local and State government policy and procedures of Cronyism, Corruption, and CrapiTaLisT Mismanagement of PubLic Tax-Payers dollars.
A longtime resident of Denver’s historic Five Points neighborhood until recently, SeKu` bemoans the Ethnic Cleansing/Gentrification that is raising housing prices in the area — he was recently forced out of the neighborhood himself and is currently residing in NorthEast Park Hill. On a cultural level however, he believes that the “spirit of the place” is strong enough to absorb and bring the new “settler colonial” residents into line with what he sees as a colorful, close-knit community where everybody speaks to each other on the street as “BroTha and SisTha!”…PeRioD.
Ever mindful of the community he aims to serve, Chairman Seku states, “The only way I can be powerful as the Mayor of Denver is to Give the PoWer Back To tHe PeopLe!…PeRioD.”
While Seku’s entry into electoral politics is driven by this desire to empower the people he serves, he is clearly energized rather than intimidated by the electoral process in much the same way he is by his ususal work.
“The WorK is the reason why OrGaNiZeRz does what we do, and that’s Where tHe Joy Iz! The end results is the purpose of the exercise which is inherent in the work of being civilized. It’s a ProCess…PeRioD.”